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Thursday, September 26, 2024

Profile - Saudi Arabia: New RSNF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Mohammad Al-Gharibiin-depth

Lieutenant General (Lt.-Gen.) Mohammad Bin Abdulrahman Bin Hamed Al-Gharibi has been appointed as the new Chief of Staff of the Royal Saudi Naval Forces (RSNF) effective as of 29/8/2024.

The following In-Depth report explores the Profile of Lt.-Gen. Al-Gharibi, emphasizing his leadership and crucial role in shaping the future of Saudi maritime defense.

Key points covered in the report include:

- His priorities and defense plans

- Preferred nations and defense firms for strategic partnerships

- His qualities, character, and potential success at the helm of the RSNF

- Connection with senior Saudi officials and military commanders including Defense Minister Prince Khaled

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