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In-Depth Reports

Prepared by our internal research team, our In-Depth Reports provide overviews and intricate analyses. They are often infused with valuable recommendations from our research team, offering you actionable insights not only to support your decision-making process but also to build your analysis.

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Searching for actionable insights contributing to the decision-making process ?


Looking for a deep-dive into special MENA developments ?


Seeking valuable insights to build your analysis ?


Media Monitoring

Identifies topics deemed relevant for our consumers, which are then submitted before a content committee for relevance assessment. In parallel, the committee and editor-in-chief also suggest topics for research, either for public release or internal use.

Direction & Planning

Once topics are identified and approved, our internal research team is tasked with developing a list of research requirements based on perceived consumer needs, information gaps, and identified current and future trends.


Researchers collect information related to specific topics. They dig through vast amounts of data to extract relevant information from various sources (online press, satellite imagery, social media, etc.).

Processing & Analysis

Our research team validates the collected material and discards erroneous, irrelevant, and false information. Researchers then proceed to analyze the sanitized information, provide judgments, draw hypotheses, and derive business or geopolitical-relevant foresights.

Editorial Review

Our editor-in-chief personally provides a final layer of validation and quality control before green-lighting the report for publication.

Topics we cover

Special Reports

Detailed analyses and intricate assessments of a wide range of topics, ranging from bilateral military relations and fiscal policies to military technology and renewable energy programs.

Exhibitions Review

Key highlights of major defense events and exhibitions taking place around the world, including exhibiting companies, high-level meetings, official talks, negotiations, and more.


An assortment of profiles of the region’s key decision-makers, including military commanders, senior executives in defense companies, influential royal family members, and top government officials.

Regional Defense Companies

A deep look into the business strategies, affiliated subsidiaries, management team, product offering, and future plans of the region’s emerging defense companies, which are spearheading the transition of MENA countries from buyers to suppliers of weapons.