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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

UAE Intends to Become First Hypersonic Weapon User in MENA: Current Procurement & Localization Trends (Analysis)in-depth

The UAE aims to become the first country in the Middle East to acquire hypersonic missile technology. Abu Dhabi intends to purchase hypersonic weapons for the UAE armed forces, and localize missile technology for national defense conglomerate EDGE. UAE President Sheikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Al Nahyan and Chief of Staff of the UAE Armed Forces Lt-General Hamad Mohammad Thani Al-Rumaithi closely follow the international hypersonics weapons programs. Our sources have identified the MBDA’s unnamed HCM (France), ARRW and HAWC (U.S.), DF-ZF and Lingyun-1 (China), and Zircon and Kinzhal (Russia) as programs of high interest for Abu Dhabi.

Our 1,631-word (5 pages) special report explores the UAE’s current procurement and localization trends regarding hypersonic weapons. In addition, our report looks at some of the technical and political obstacles that the UAE could be facing in acquiring hypersonic weapons and technology

Our special report is structured as follows:

-Emirati Intentions vis-a-vis Hypersonic Weapons

-French Hypersonics Top President Sheikh Mohammad’s Shortlist

-President Sheikh Mohammad Mulls Russian, Chinese Hypersonics

-Made in USA: Lt. Gen. Al-Rumaithi Tracks HAWC and ARRW Programs

-Interest in Hypersonic Air Defenses

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