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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

UAE unsatisfied with the Saudi OPEC+ attitude?note

OPEC+ members held an online joint ministerial monitoring committee meeting (JMMC) on 1/8/2024.

During the meeting, OPEC+ members agreed to keep oil output policy unchanged, as well as a plan to unwind some of their previously agreed production cuts starting this October.

However, since then, OPEC+ has lowered its oil demand forecast for the remainder of the year, due to Chinese demand lagging expectations.

The note provides a comprehensive overview of the following aspects:

- Abu Dhabi’s expectations for the OPEC+ October meeting

- MBZ stance on Saudi OPEC+ attitude

- MBZ views on UAE’s oil production quota

This note also sheds light on MBZ’s preferences between keeping the oil prices high and oil volumes offloaded.

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