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Thursday, June 30, 2022

Saudi Prince Turki: CP Mohammad at a steady pace to lead the regionnote

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz is reported to be aiming to achieve as many regional understandings as possible before the GCC Summit takes place in Jeddah next month.

Former Chief of General Intelligence Prince Turki Al-Faisal was quoted as saying that “the Crown Prince is significantly leading the region by solidifying his influence in the Arab and Islamic worlds.”

Crown Prince Mohammad’s recent visits to Jordan, Egypt, and Turkey are reported to have come in this context.

Additionally, he is said to be aiming to establish a GCC-Arab alliance, with Egypt being its military core.

Tactical Report has prepared a 496-word report to shed more light on the Crown Prince’s internal and regional priorities for the upcoming stage. 


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