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Last updated: 3 July, 2024

GCC Countries and AI Technologies

GCC countries are increasingly investing in artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. Countries like the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar are leading the charge, with significant investments in AI research and development (R&D), as well as the implementation of AI-driven solutions in government services, defense systems, and the private sector. These efforts aim to position the GCC as a hub for innovation, reduce dependency on other countries, and enhance national security.

UAE: Leading the Charge in AI and Defense Innovation

Internal Competition:

High-level Emirati court officials are said to be at odds over who controls the UAE’s advanced technology files, such as AI.
Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Sheikh Khaled Bin Mohammad Bin Zayed is leading defense-related initiatives with a distinct vision aimed at placing the UAE among the leading countries in AI technologies.

Strategic Partnerships:

Emirati President Sheikh Mohammad Bin Zayed and Crown Prince Sheikh Khaled are working to expand the UAE’s military-industrial partnerships with major international defense companies to gain access to cutting-edge AI technologies.
Key meetings have been held between EDGE Group officials and representatives from prominent foreign defense companies.

Focus on France:

President Sheikh Mohammad is particularly interested in expanding strategic defense relations with France. 
The Emirati Ministry of Defense is in discussions with the French Ministry of the Armed Forces and French defense companies about AI-based defense projects.

Saudi Arabia: Embracing Space Defense and AI

New Era of Space Defense:

The Saudi Ministry of Defense is embarking on new space defense initiatives with a strong focus on integrating AI.
Discussions are underway with major international players to advance these initiatives.

SAMI's AI Strategy:

Saudi Arabian Military Industries (SAMI) is developing a product portfolio heavily based on AI, reinforcing Saudi Arabia’s commitment to AI in defense.

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