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Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Qatar: Chairman of the Board of Barzan Holdings, Dr. Khaled Bin Mohammad Al-Attiyahin-depth

Qatar’s defense conglomerate Barzan Holdings was founded in 2016 as a limited liability establishment. After two years of hard work, the company was officially launched on the first day of DIMDEX 2018 (12/3/2018).

Appointed by Qatari Emir Tamim, Dr. Khaled Bin Mohammad Al-Attiyah has been Chairman of Barzan since its inception. Al-Attiyah is also the current Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for Defense Affairs.

At Barzan Holdings, Al-Attiyah’s main focus is to build a local defense industry, achieve military self-sufficiency and thereby remove most reliance on purchasing weapons systems from foreign defense companies.

Our 1138-word Profile of Al-Attiyah gives an overview of his role at Barzan Holdings, his defense vision and set plans, and his view on the Rheinmetall Barzan Advanced Technologies (RBAT) joint venture (JV). The report also sheds light on Al-Attiyah’s background as well as his relationship with Emir Tamim.

Our report is structured as follows:

-Al-Attiyah’s role and standing at Barzan Holdings: Al-Attiyah’s vision and future plans; Al-Attiyah’s view on Germany’s Rheinmetall; Al-Attiyah’s relationship with Emir Tamim

-Career history and academic degrees

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