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Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Rise of Egyptian Shipyardsin-depth

Egyptian shipyards are essential to the Egyptian Naval Force’s (ENF) plan to become a regional power in the Eastern Mediterranean and a blue-water navy in the long term. Strong logistical support, maintenance, and modern shipbuilding are needed to keep the ENF’s diverse fleet seaworthy and at high readiness.

Towards this end, Egypt is working with foreign partners, such as Germany, France, and South Korea, to ramp up the capabilities of its historical and new shipyards, with Alexandria Shipbuilding in the starring role. The tenets of this planned modernization are overhauling shipyard facilities, upskilling workers, and localizing new technologies.

Our 1,907-word (7 pages) special report examines the role and aims of Egyptian shipyards, focusing on Alexandria Shipyard. It also covers the most notable projects accomplished with foreign shipbuilders such as ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS), Naval Vessels Lurssen (NVL), Naval Group, and others.

Our report is structured as follows:

-Supporting the ENF’s growth and strategic vision: servicing expansion; complex logistical challenge

-Egyptian shipyards: MoMP & MIASO; Alexandria Shipyard

-Main foreign partners and upcoming projects: Germany, a strategic partner; France and Naval Group; South Korea and Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) 

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