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Tuesday, October 25, 2022

UAE Hypersonic air defense: Planning for the futurein-depth

The UAE is rethinking its entire integrated air and missile defense (IAMD) network to counter hypersonic weapons, amongst other future threats that are on the horizon. Sources in Abu Dhabi report that President Sheikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Al Nahyan is personally invested in the project.

President Sheikh Mohammad and the UAE Ministry of Defense have devised plans for how the UAE air defenses can cope with the hypersonic threat in the short and long term, but also in the interim period.

Our 1,317-word report (5-pages) provides an overview of the UAE’s plans to overhaul its IAMD. Our special report is structured as follows:

-New threat, new IAMD: Space-based sensors, Glide-phase interceptor, early-warning radars

-Interim options: Aegis Ashore

-Confidence in current BMD posture

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