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Thursday, June 06, 2024

UAE Sheikh Tahnoon's Washington Visit: A blend of politics and businessnote

Deputy Ruler of Abu Dhabi and UAE National Security Advisor Sheikh Tahnoon Bin Zayed visited Washington on 5/6/2024.

During his visit, Sheikh Tahnoon met with several U.S. officials, including National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell, and former President Barack Obama.

The note provides a comprehensive overview of the following aspects:

- The major topics Sheikh Tahnoon and Sullivan discussed

- An understanding reached between Sheikh Tahnoon and Sullivan

- A request made by Sheikh Tahnoon concerning the normalization process

- Sheikh Tahnoon’s national and business priorities underlined during the visit

- Emirati President Sheikh Mohammad’s views on these priorities

The note also highlights the key points discussed during Sheikh Tahnoon’s meetings with Campbell and Obama.

Sheikh Tahnoon plays a significant role in managing Emirati-U.S. relations. He is engaged in diplomatic discussions, strategic partnerships, and initiatives aimed at strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries.


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