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Monday, August 28, 2023

Saudi views on expected U.S. compromises to achieve normalizationnote

The talks concerning Saudi-Israeli normalization of ties are ongoing between Washington and Riyadh and might become more evident in the upcoming phase.

In this regard, there is a Saudi belief that the Biden administration will likely offer compromises to help achieve normalization.

Tactical Report highlights this matter, including:

- Saudi view on these compromises, especially the view of the Saudi Ambassador to Washington Princess Reema

- U.S. views on the appointment of Nayef Al-Sudairi as a nonresident Saudi ambassador to the State of Palestine

- The expected effect of the mentioned appointment on Saudi-U.S. talks

- Saudi CP Mohammad’s new approach towards the Biden administration

The report also highlights Biden’s decision concerning CP Mohammad’s request to establish a defense agreement binding on any of the upcoming U.S. administrations.


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