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Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Kuwait’s newly appointed Defense Minister Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad: Vision and standingnote

Kuwait’s new government was sworn in last Monday (19/6/2023), with Sheikh Ahmad Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al Sabah reinstated as Prime Minister.

Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Ahmad Al Sabah was appointed Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense.

Tactical Report has prepared a report (435 words) to highlight the matter, including:

- PM Sheikh Ahmad and Crown Prince Meshaal’s positions on Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad

- The support that Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad is receiving from senior commanders

- His vision for the Kuwaiti Military Forces

- The foreign defense companies he emphasizes maintaining strong ties with

- His view on defense relations with China

The report also highlights Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad’s position on diversifying Kuwait’s weapons supply and the countries he prefers cooperating with. 


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