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Wednesday, July 06, 2022

Iraq: KRG proposals to end the disputenote

The central government in Baghdad failed to reach an understanding with the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) over the oil dispute between both sides.

The KRG is trying to establish two companies to manage its energy resources, Kurdistan Regional Oil Company (KROC) for oil exploration, and Kurdistan Oil Marketing Organization (KOMO) for export.

The KRG is said to have submitted several proposals to the Iraqi government to solve the dispute.

In return, the Iraqi Ministry of Oil had different conditions.

What are the KRG’s proposals?

What are the Iraqi Oil Ministry conditions?

What impact will the dispute have on the international oil companies (IOCs) working in the Kurdistan region?

Can the U.S. help end the dispute between the Iraqi government and KRG?

Tactical Report has prepared a 562-word report to answer these questions and more.

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