Saudi King Salman is said to have invited Kuwaiti Emir Sabah Al-Ahmad to visit Riyadh after he received a message from him about his mediation to settle the Qatar crisis.
This happened during a meeting King Salman held with Kuwaiti Crown Prince Nawaf Al-Ahmad on the sidelines of the closing ceremony of King Abdulaziz Camel Festival yesterday (26/1/20) in Riyadh.
Why did King Salman invite Emir Sabah to visit Riyadh?
What about Emir Sabah's mediation?
Tactical Report answers these questions and more in the following 348-word report.
[Partly reproduced in TR Defense Weekly Issue No 27/05 – January 31, 2020]

Monday, January 27, 2020
Saudi King Salman invites Emir Sabah to visit Riyadhnote
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