U.S. Secretary of Defense Mark Esper called Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz yesterday (16/9/19) to assess the situation with him following the attacks on Saudi Aramco oil facilities earlier this week.
Esper also contacted Iraqi Defence Minister Najah Hassan Ali Al-Shammari amid Intelligence reports suggesting that the attacks on Aramco facilities were launched from Iraq or Iran.
Esper is said to have proposed to Crown Prince Mohammad and to Minister Al-Shammari to cooperate and set up air defense systems on the common Saudi-Iraqi border.
Tactical Report has prepared a 386-word report to shed more light on the subject and tell more about Esper’s proposal.
[Partly reproduced in TR Weekly Issue No 26/38 – Sept. 20, 2019]

Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Esper proposes air defense systems on Saudi-Iraq bordernote
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