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Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Saudi Arabia: Air defense systems for strategic facilitiesnote

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz, who also acts as Defense Minister, is said to be going ahead with a defense project to reinforce protection of oil facilities following the Houthi drone attacks on the Shaybah oil field last month.

His brother Deputy Defense Minister Prince Khaled is in charge of setting up a military technical team to test the air defence systems that are capable of defending the strategic facilities against drones.

These facilities include oil facilities: refineries, export terminals, pumping stations and shipping routes.

Tactical Report has prepared a 358-word report to shed more light on the subject and tell what about the air defense systems on offer.

[Partly reproduced in TR Weekly Issue No 26/37 – Sept. 13, 2019]

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