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Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Qatar: Lt-General Al-Ghanim and his Saudi and Emirati counterpartsnote

Chief of Staff of the Qatari Armed Forces Lt-General Ghanim Bin Shaheen Al-Ghanim attended last week the closing ceremony of military exercises in Oman along with other GCC chiefs of staff. During his presence there, Chief of Staff of the the Sultan of Oman’s Armed Forces (SOAF) Lt-General Ahmed Bin Hareth Al-Nabhani intervened with him to arrange meetings with his Saudi and Emirati counterparts.

Tactical Report has prepared a 336-word report to shed light on the subject and tell what about Lt-General Al-Ghanim’s reaction. [Briefly reproduced in TR Weekly Issue No 25/45 – Nov. 9, 2018]


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