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Monday, July 31, 2023

Iraq: On Saudi colossal energy investmentsnote

Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammad Shia Al-Sudani intends to build on the good energy relations with Saudi Arabia, especially between the Iraqi Ministry of Oil and Saudi Aramco.

Iraqi Minister of Oil Hayyan Abdul-Ghani held discussions on 22/7/2023 with the Saudi delegation visiting Baghdad, which included Assistant Minister of Energy Mohammad Bin Abdulrahman Al-Ibrahim and several officials from the Ministry of Energy and Aramco.

Tactical Report has prepared a report (301 words) to shed light on the details of the Saudi investments, including:

- The energy domains Saudi Arabia plans to invest in

- The gas and oil fields Saudi Arabia is interested in

- The estimated value of Saudi energy investments in Iraq

The report also highlights the U.S. and Iranian views on these Saudi investments. 

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